F1178D - Mike Fenton's Actors Workshop Introduction to Auditioning Scene Work Watch Now

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F1178D - Mike Fenton's Actors Workshop Introduction to Auditioning Scene Work

Mike Fenton's Actors Workshop Introduction to Auditioning Scene Work
Item No. F1178D

Mike Fenton's Actors Workshop Introduction to Auditioning Scene Work

Item No: F1178D
Length: 65 minutes
UPC: 709629411784
Copyright: 2002
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
Teachers Guide
SRP: $69.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 2 hours, 10 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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The "video Bible" for Actors and is the A-Z on everything you need to know to make it in Hollywood. Mike Fenton, with over 35 years of casting experience and renowned casting director of titles such as The Godfather II, Back to the Future I, II & III, Total Recall, E.T., shows his expertise covering in depth, topics such as Entertainment Business Primer, Resumes, Headshots, Video Demo Reels, Managers, Agents, Auditions and more. Learn from the expert who for over a decade cast 50% of all motion pictures in Hollywood! Take an inside look with the ultimte insider as his unique style of honesty, candor and truthfulness exposes a number of insider secrets to success in Hollywood. Get the answers to hundreds of questions such as: how Hollywood works, Hollywood etiquette, how to avoid career detrimental mistakes, (what the most common mistakes actors make), resumes (how to create the industry standard CSA resume), headshots (making your headshot land you an audition), making your demo reels effective (What to do and What not to do), agents (How to get one), managers (Do I need to get one and what they can do for me), auditions, cold readings, showcases and generals (How to get the Job) and auditioning techniques that will get you work. Through real auditions Mike illustrates and provides the tools needed to increase an actors chance to "get the job". Valuable advice, questions and answers and some of the most interesting stories ever told by the ultimate industry insider.