Dean Semler (Road Warrior, City Slickers, Dead Calm) demonstrates the techniques that won him an Academy Award for the cinematography of "Dances With Wolves." Dean?s background in documentary films is a major influence on his visuals. This workshop recreates the lighting of an interior fireside scene from "Wolves", using an exact replica of the teepee set. The workshop footage was shot anamorphical, using a Panavision camera and a crane. Dean discusses and demonstrates wide screen composition, the relationship between lighting design and coverage and the best use of high speed film stocks in low light situations.
In this training series, nine of the world's finest cinematographers share the wealth of their experience in a workshop setting as they guide you through a series of professional lighting problems both in studio and on location. This unique series sponsored by KODAK Worldwide Student Program is an invaluable guide to students and working cinematographers.
OAn invaluable source of information and insight!O - R. Levi, Director of Photography, Graduate Film Division, Columbia University.