This ambitious introduction to scenic painting examines the basic components of paint (pigments, fillers, bases and binders), the characteristics and uses of various media (oil and water base paints, shellacs and varnishes, spray paints, bronzingpowders and more) and a wide range of tools and application techniques (brushes, rollers, sprayers, sponges, dusters, stencils, rag roll, pounce wheel and much more). In an ideal use of the video medium, this virtual encyclopedia of technique is presented through dozens of close-up, hands-on examples. Host Ron Ranson shows specific application methods of foliage, stone, brick,planking, wall paper, architectural detailing, ageing, sky textures, highlights and shadows. The package includes five elevations with overlay grids for the student projects. The final section of the program presents two student projects to be performed on 4 X 8 flats. Three of RansonOs students execute the projects and he critiques the results.
"Four Stars - Highly recommended. Ranson is an expert on the subject, his delivery is relaxed, confident and filled with practical advice.O - Video Rating Guide For Libraries