FSETDANROE - Dance Class For The Actor 2 Set Collection Watch Now

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FSETDANROE - Dance Class For The Actor 2 Set Collection

Dance Class For The Actor 2 Set Collection

Dance Class For The Actor 2 Set Collection

Series: Dance Class for the Actor
Length: 140 minutes
Copyright: 2002
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $188.00
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SAVE $10 & Get the Complete 2 DVD Set! The Dance Class For Actors & Musical Theater With Cathy Roe - Level 1 & Level 2. Level 1 includes a full dance class forbeginners that includes basic warm up, exercises for building rhythm skills, balance & flexibility exercises, strength training and a jazz vocabulary of 20 basic steps. It also features 25 dance steps commonly used in musical theater, followed by three Ostyle studyO routines for disco, showbiz and cabaret. Level 2 builds on the first program with a more advanced warm up, isolation study, full stretch, flexibility exercises, strength training and center exercises found in jazz and modern dance. Twenty more additional dance vocabulary steps are introduced and three Ostyle studyO routines are featured which include top-hat and kick, latin and waltz.

